UK Medical Terms Spell Checker
(too old to reply)
Kirsty Kerr
2004-04-27 17:08:42 UTC
Hello - all the medical terms dictionaries that I can find
online appear to be for US medical terms and drugs. Here
in the UK we have different drugs and terms. Has anyone
got/seen a good UK Medical Terms add in for the Word spell
I'm looking for one compatible with Word 2000.

2004-04-27 18:43:48 UTC
You might take a look at


On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:08:42 -0700, "Kirsty Kerr"
Post by Kirsty Kerr
Hello - all the medical terms dictionaries that I can find
online appear to be for US medical terms and drugs. Here
in the UK we have different drugs and terms. Has anyone
got/seen a good UK Medical Terms add in for the Word spell
I'm looking for one compatible with Word 2000.
SPAM has driven me to Spoof my email, sorry

Try: First "dot" Last at Earthlink "dot" net
Gordon W. Potter
Atlanta, GA
2004-04-28 13:28:18 UTC
Thanks I'll check it out.
Eric Perez
2004-05-07 17:06:30 UTC
Yes. Try http://spellex.co.uk/Products/med.htm
Post by Kirsty Kerr
Hello - all the medical terms dictionaries that I can find
online appear to be for US medical terms and drugs. Here
in the UK we have different drugs and terms. Has anyone
got/seen a good UK Medical Terms add in for the Word spell
I'm looking for one compatible with Word 2000.
2015-07-15 10:19:57 UTC

My name is Eric Steven Perez and I am from the US and I only come in peace and to serve justice to our "own" when people read that they just take it into personal sense. What we as stuffer back to what is "mine" and what "his" "entitlement and perfection" and if people knew that. In the wrong humans hand without the knowledge of history and the struggle to make sure your ancestors didn't die in vain and taught you a lesson. I am trying to serve justice and do the right thing for not just the US or the U.K. Or any other country for that matter but everyone people "wants" the "Diamond lifestyle" that they see on TV expecte or feel "entitled" to there will but where the dilemma comes in is people aren't willing to work for that "Diamond lifestyle" I am only trying to fight for my health and to end the suffering of myself and but also my blood line for our kingdom of heaven and I know population has obviously created a problem has created the ultimate dilemma but if I could have one wish from "the Gods" it would be to leave a positive message to the world and civilization as we know it. It would be, a building that so tall I could present the best "Gods" view I could give them I have had to watch my mom go through so much pain. I would love to be the "Savor" of not only my bloodline but my who family the whole world if I could but I do understand I am only ONE man and who realizes who can not do if single handed literally the I see the pros and cons of taxs yes you're paying for convenience but what are you really playing in the long run/: but think of now but you have to be modest but not to modest. Because no one likes a "know it all" but I'm trying to see the huge bigger dreams/and picture. Perspective is reality and my family's name is not at a good standing my dream is to not make "Currency an issue and everyone can could be/ live in "paradise".I am here to make my statement of my thoughts. I have had to see my mom and dad both struggle/ juggle with money just like everyone else and but life battle of worring just to keep our family alive and through our government. I understand that we have to work for everything that we do as humans but as animals family HAS to come first Or you let them die not teaching you a thing but why do people think like that? I think why did they move here in the FIRST place. To build they're their dreams and not let them die in vain you have to think longgggg and hard "why?" I under "no one is God and only God knows everything" that has to be your drive to remind us why we are doing whatever it is we're doing. I wish I could just be referred to as "Sir Perez" all I'm saying is I don't want to go history as a nobody I want to go into a history as a "dyslexic epileptic gay individual, who could see and saw the aspects of all angles not just his. "I feel like I finally understand that if you want that diamond at the top of the pyramid you're going to have to dance like an injection" I understand some people are left in history as a paperclip or a staples. I would create a giant stapler to represent that everyone is trying to hold life together and a paperclip will do it for a little bit but a staple will hold it together" I know we are all containers of sin and it is our downfall and I apologize that I have no other way or even any other idea of how to ask for help. Thank you Gods- Eric Steven Perez